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Marianne Whitfield

Manufacturing Without Borders

Written by Dinara Davlembayeva Prior to the Covid 19 pandemic, digital transformation in Manufacturing had been slower than some sectors to realise full potential due to the high investment required, the lack of expertise and skills, as well as the challenges that it posed for existing technological and organisational structures.… Read More »Manufacturing Without Borders

Why Digitally-Savvy NEDs are Crucial to Successful Business Transformation

Written by Sphere Guest Blogger: Dinara Davlembayeva Mis-asligned understanding about how to realise benefits from investment in IT is akin to setting a pile of cash on fire. This blog summarises the wisdom and insights of an experienced, digitally-savvy non executive director – Stuart Lynn. Written by Dinara Davlembayeva. The… Read More »Why Digitally-Savvy NEDs are Crucial to Successful Business Transformation

Digital Poverty

Written by Sphere Guest Blogger: Dinara Davlembayeva The reliance on digital technology has been intense since the beginning of the pandemic, with an acceleration in capability of technologies to ensure the continuity of public and social practices by bridging physical distance. Digital transformation has created opportunities and benefits which had… Read More »Digital Poverty

Lockdown and Digital Health: Leadership Insights and Innovation from the Frontline

The Coronavirus pandemic has shaken countries across the globe and has become the trigger to mobilise resources to cope with the virus. Digital technology is one of the resources that have been leveraged upon to transform healthcare. Whilst first reported in December 2019, COVID-19 hit the UK in March 2020.… Read More »Lockdown and Digital Health: Leadership Insights and Innovation from the Frontline

Peaks and Perils of Long Term Virtual Working: Leadership lessons from the front line.

Digital technologies introduced the concept of virtual working to the business world decades ago. Equipped with laptops, smartphones and wi-fi, organisations started slowly adopting virtual teams in business practices to connect geographically dispersed organisational stakeholders in virtual space. Although the shift to virtual teams was driven by the need to… Read More »Peaks and Perils of Long Term Virtual Working: Leadership lessons from the front line.